Tuesday, August 12, 2014

So I've got some time

After work, school, volunteering, cooking dinner, cleaning and all the other busy work during my day, I like to vedge out and watch t.v or movies (when I'm not doing homework of course). Instead of watching Starship Troopers for the 1000x, I'm trying to watch some documentaries about what life as a doctor is really like. As much as I like Scrubs, I feel like it might not be the most accurate depiction of medical life (although I've read that people have said it's actually the most accurate of all the medical shows out there). Here's a list of all the shows dealing with medicine I've watched this summer. Some are fiction, some are documentaries, but all are helping me to get a well rounded idea of what it's like to be a doctor. As we get into the fall I probably won't have time to watch anything but we all need a little time to hang out.

Doctors' Diaries (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/doctors-diaries.html)
A documentary that follows a group of doctors from medical school throughout the rest of their careers.
This one is...depressing. As someone who wants a family one day, this account made the prospects of having good relationships with anyone seem impossible. I know this isn't always the case and medicine is changing to allow doctors to have time for families, but it did make me stop to think just how much work it will be to juggle having a life, family, and career and to think about what my goals and priorities really are.

Grey's Anatomy (on Netflix!)
Yea. I know. I'm not really into romance driven shows or movies, but some of the medical procedures performed on this show (however unrealistic) make it fun. It's pure drama but I do get sucked into it on and off.

Boston Med (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiJ9pLWpjuY)
Boston is a city with incredible hospitals and this show is a nice insight into what goes on inside of them. It's an exciting show and gives you an idea of who the people are who work in this crazy environments.

Children's Hospital (Netflix!)
Just funny. In no way life a real hospital, just making fun of all the lame medical dramas out there. Enjoy it!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Time Does Fly!

After starting this little blog I got wrapped up in my vacation and then completely forgot about it. Whoops! So what have I been up to? Sadly, not as much as I thought when I started this blog. I have been volunteering at a veteran's medical center every week and am trying to implement some programs with some of the long term care patients. I've been watching my Scrubs and some medical documentaries and shows. I recently finished participating in GISHWHES, which is an amazing scavenger hunt that if you should check out if you've never heard of it.

It's about a month now until I start classes and I am insanely excited. I bought all my little notebooks and pencils and pens. If I somehow manage to have extra money (which is practically impossible with my job), I might even buy myself some clothes or something special.

As far as my health...meh. I've been neglecting it for the past month. My diet is hit or miss on the day to day, but I haven't been exercising nearly as much as I should. I haven't gained any weight since January, but I haven't lost any and my fitness level is back on the decline. That fancy, expensive gym membership I had has been canceled. It was just WAY too much money for my budget. I loved it and learned a lot, but I can't justify $123 a month any more. I'm really hoping with the busy schedule I will have soon I will be able to get my diet back on track. For me, the busier I am, the easier it is for me to eat better. All the time I spend at home after work and on the weekends just leads me to boredom eating. If I have my nose stuck in a book studying I am less likely to mindlessly eat.

This summer wasn't as productive as I was hoping, but I still have a month left before school! Plenty of time to get back into exercising, form healthy eating habits, explore medicine a little more, and get hyped to start my pre-medical journey in September!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday Funday!

I recently signed up for a cross training gym because I found that me exercising on my own was NOT cutting it. My gym is well out of my price range, but my price range is a $10 membership at Planet Fitness. But, after years of no results, I realized you get what you pay for. After a free trial class at my gym I was hooked on the cross training idea and saw how much better of a workout I got and how much harder I tried when a trainer was leading me through a strength and cardio routine. I literally drip sweat when I work out now. I used to go to the gym all the time in college but thought the towels were only for the guys lifting heavy in the downstairs gym I was too afraid to go to. Now I grab one as soon as I walk in and use it during every recovery.

Today was my fourth week going and even though it is getting easier, it is still challenging. I am increasing my weights, but I still notice how I struggle more than some of the other people in the class. What I like most about cross training and specifically my gym is that it actually is a judge free zone. Everyone is at different fitness levels but you just do your best. The really fit people make you push yourself harder and the trainers are always there to help you with your form and motivate you. Even though I have to budget a little wiser every month, I love my gym and it's really helping me.

I always feel like Sundays are the hardest days which I like. It really sets me up for the start of the work week and I get the rest of my day to come home, relax, take a long shower, and watch Game of Thrones.  

ENJOY G.O.T! This week is probably going to be pretty crazy. 

Summertime Procrastination

Before school starts in the fall I plan to volunteer this summer and hopefully add some more experience to my resume WHILE working full time and taking care of my house/sibling. But...before the studying starts I want to watch some t.v and do some good reading. I recently started re-watching Scrubs because I've read that it's one of the most realistic portrayals of what life is like after med school. I love this show, but now that I'm watching it from the perspective of someone who wants to go in to medicine I can see how truthful it is about the not so pleasant parts of medicine. What I love the most is how even though it shows the struggle, it also shows why doctors continue to do what they do.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Here it goes!

First blog post! Even though I was a huge fan of Harriet the Spy when I was younger (and in love with Sport), I've never been able to keep a journal. I've purchased numerous marble notebooks and wrote entries religiously for a few days then gave up. My life is a little bit of a mess right now, so I'm hoping keeping a blog will help me to organize my thoughts and track my journey that will hopefully lead me to a career in medicine. Along the way I hope to have fun, get fit, and get over my insecurities about cosplaying.